Here's a teaser from later in the book.
#. Return of the Chemists.
Dr. Rogers watched the television in the nursing home. There wasn't much else to do. Nor was there much choice in what they watched. Fox news. It didn't help bring the psychiatric patients back into touch with reality. On the other hand it made the first months of his extended trip even more surreal. Unfortunately, the massive dose of nano-encapsulated LSD he took was beginning to wear off, and the news was changing from an enjoyable background to a simply annoying noise.One local exclusive caught his notice. The dart murderers were caught. Well one was caught and the other had skipped the country for home. The news anchor was interviewing some APD detective or another about how this violent and lethal gang had been rounded up due to the cooperation of Georgia State University. He shouted “Like Hell.” Then he turned to the blue-haired woman in the reclining chair next to him and said, “Time to wake up. It's been real Ethyl, but I must be going.”
It wasn't clear that she understood what he said, and it wouldn't have mattered in any case. He pushed the lever on his chair, stood up and stretched. “God that feels good.”
The night nurse looked at him. “Mr. Rogers, John, what are you doing?”
“Sorry son, but it's time to leave. Can't say it's been the most pleasant of stays, but I'd recommend this motel to anyone who needs it. I'd say it rates four and a half bed-pans.”
It wasn't that easy of course, but as Dr. John Rogers was clearly in command of his faculties, the next week found him back on the street, blinking in the unexpectedly bright light of an Atlanta Fall.